A tale of a Pragmatic Programmer

Jan 27, 2016 • 4 mins read

Dive into the timeless wisdom of "The Pragmatic Programmer" book and discover valuable insights that every programmer should know. Explore topics such as software entropy, avoiding gradual pitfalls, the importance of refactoring, and taking pride in your work. Learn from the experiences shared in this engaging article.

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Five great shortcuts for Visual Studio

Jan 17, 2016 • 2 mins read

Improve your coding efficiency in Visual Studio with these five great shortcuts. Learn how to quickly surround code with loops or conditions, navigate through highlighted references, peek into definitions, view quick information about methods or classes, and easily delete lines. Enhance your Visual Studio workflow with these time-saving tips.

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Your name, your legacy

Dec 2, 2015 • 2 mins read

Explore valuable lessons learned from a 2010 blog post inspired by "The Passionate Programmer." Discover the importance of carefully choosing where you put your name, leaving a positive online presence, and focusing on your strengths to shape how others remember you in the tech industry.

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Lessons from Agile Tour 2015

Nov 16, 2015 • 4 mins read

Dive into my insightful experience at Agile Tour 2015, a conference focused on agile development. Discover valuable lessons on harmonizing Agile and Lean, motivating agile teams, fostering excellence, and catalyzing Agile transitions through codevelopment. Gain fresh perspectives and inspiration for your own agile projects.

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Discover the importance of code reviews and learn about five crucial goals to focus on during the process. From ensuring high-quality tests and clear naming conventions to sharing knowledge, identifying architectural flaws, and fostering a learning environment, these practices will elevate your code review experience.

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